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See + Experience

On the road in Schramberg in the Black Forest

Whether alone, as a couple or with the whole family - with the many excursion destinations in the city of Schramberg in the Black Forest, there is something for everyone!

Beautiful views of the Black Forest landscape and a great hiking experience around Schramberg offer five castle ruins, which are now almost 1000 years old.

For culture and technology enthusiasts, the museum landscape with a total of six museums is an absolute highlight. The Auto & Uhrenwelt in the valley town of Schramberg makes the hearts of car lovers beat faster. But not only that: the watch manufacturer Erhard Junghans has also left many traces: Villa Junghans, Park der Zeiten and the Junghans Terrassenbau Museum bear witness to the Junghans success story.

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Excursion destinations in the region

Are you looking for more great leisure activities? The Kinzigtal has a lot to offer! You can find all excursion destinations in the region atSchwarzwald Tourismus Kinzigtal.