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City info

The city of Schramberg

Schramberg without hurdles

The inclusion project GIEB, initiated and funded by the district of Rottweil, by all disability aid providers of our district and by "Aktion Mensch", offers with "Hürdenlos" the cities and municipalities as well as the district the possibility to publish online all barrier-free, publicly accessible facilities such as schools, administrations, restaurants, leisure facilities and retail stores.

Connected with each other

Twin cities

Schramberg maintains friendly contacts with five European cities: With Hirson in France, with Charleroi in Belgium, with Lachen in Switzerland, with Čakovec in Croatia and with the East German watchmaking town of Glashütte in the German state of Saxony.

Honorary citizen

By awarding honorary citizenship, the Great District City of Schramberg recognizes the diverse and outstanding services rendered to the development of the city of Schramberg and to the welfare of its citizens.