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Guided tours

City tour, museum tour & Co.

Schramberg, originally a clock and industrial town, has now developed into a modern city. The historic buildings and places characterize today's cityscape. Schramberg offers numerous facets of history - technology and economy, industrial and urban history, art and culture , as well as educational and historical trails.

Castle tour

Hohenschramberg, also called Nippenburg, is one of the last castles built in Germany in the mid-15th century. Once the largest fortified castle in southwestern Germany, it is well preserved, large and looks back on an eventful history.

During the one and a half hour guided tour you will learn interesting and exciting stories about the castle hill, the castle ruins and the rulers who once lived there.

Duration: 1 1/2 hours I Cost: I Max. Persons

Burgruine Hohenschramberg

Church tour

St. Maria's Church is one of the most important late classicist churches in southern Germany and was built between 1838 and 1844 according to plans by building inspector Carl Christian Nieffer, a student of the Stuttgart architect and court architect Nikolaus Friedrich Thouret.

The three-nave church with its large barrel vault, together with the chancel design created by Professor Erich Hauser in 1994, represents a successful combination of late classicist architecture and contemporary art. Erich Hauser's modern church art from 1957 and 1993 is presented in Schramberg's Sankt Maria Kirche as a total work of art.

As a counterpart to modern art, the church is home to the oldest preserved cone chest organ by Eberhard Friedrich Walcker from 1844.

Duration: 1 hour I Cost: 40€ I Max. 25 people

Museum tours

Park tour

Villa Junghans and its park are without comparison in the region and therefore today they are cultural monuments.

The extensive villa park was laid out in the style of English landscape parks and is still home to exotic and rare trees such as gingo, oak-leaved beech and flowering ash. The magnolia grove and the rhododendrons over 100 years old, as well as the rose garden with historical rose species make the park blossom.

The theme of time is omnipresent in the park. Scluptures and resting benches connect art and nature.

Duration: 1 hour I Cost 40€ I Max. 25 people

City tour

Duration: 1 1/2 hours I 45€ I Max. 25 people

Dates for guided tours

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