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Building + Living

Development plans

Development plan (binding urban land use planning)

One of the central self-government tasks of the city is urban planning. Among these, urban land-use planning represents one of the most important instruments for advancing urban development in the city. With regard to a development plan, urban land use planning develops a binding character. An aspect on which citizens and investors want to and can rely.

In the following, we inform you about the thematic classification of the development plan and the currently ongoing as well as completed development plan procedures.

The development plan in general

A land-use plan (binding urban land-use planning) is an essential part of the urban land-use planning laid down by law. It is to be Land use plan (preparatory urban land use planning) and regulates the urban development and order in the area for a delimited area of application by means of legally binding determinations.

The development plan thus specifies how the land it contains is to be used and built on. Finally, the legally binding development plan is usually the prerequisite for the approval of building applications. At the end of a procedure, the municipal council of the large district town of Schramberg adopts the development plan as a statute. This procedural step and the associated public announcement make the development plan legally binding. It thus has the effect of law on citizens and investors as well as the municipality / city administration.

Until it becomes legally binding, a development plan goes through various procedural steps. You can find out about these in the following graphic "Simplified flow chart for the preparation of a land-use plan in the standard procedure" (see below).

In detail, we would like to inform you about the possibility of participation in corresponding procedures. As part of the procedure to be carried out, the land-use plan goes through one or more stages of participation by the public and authorities as well as other public bodies. Depending on the type of procedure, early participation and public display are provided for by law. In accelerated or simplified procedures, early participation can be dispensed with.

During both the early participation and the public display, all citizens - i.e. the public - and the authorities as well as other public agencies have the opportunity to submit their relevant suggestions, concerns and affected parties triggered by the development planning. The municipal council of the Great District City of Schramberg discusses the comments submitted in the procedure and decides whether and how these are to be taken into account in the respective development plan. This is referred to as "weighing up". This ensures that all concerns relevant to planning are collected and that this leads to a fair as well as complete as possible weighing of private and public interests.

Notification of the public about the relevant participation periods and display locations is announced in the daily newspaper and on the municipal website. If the development plan procedure is carried out for a plan area in the districts of Tennenbronn or Waldmössingen, the information is additionally provided in the Tennenbronner Gazette or Newsletter Waldmössingen.

Further information on current development plan procedures and legally binding development plans can be found in the following sections.

Development plans of the large district town of Schramberg

Current development plan procedures

Currently, the city administration of the Great District City of Schramberg is carrying out the following participation procedures. You are welcome to send your suggestions and comments on the procedures to the urban planning department. Our contact persons of the Department of urban planning are at your disposal. You can find the announcements related to the respective procedures in the category public announcements.

Legally binding development plans

Here you can find information about legally binding development plans. You can download the plans here or view them in the City Planning Department during opening hours. Digital information on legally binding development plans is available upon request in the Building Law and Administration Department or in our BürgerGIS.

In addition, we inform you below about the development plans that are legally binding since the year 2022. You will find the announcements associated with the respective procedures in the public announcementssection.

Change locks

Currently, no change blocks are legally binding!

Further urban developments

We are constantly working on the urban development of our city and make the Great District City of Schramberg even more livable and lovable. To this end, we are making progress in particular with the development of inner areas and the utilization of vacant lots as well as the designation of new building areas. At the same time, sustainable mobility and other aspects of urban development will be included in a holistic focus. Find out about all the current developments in Schramberg on the corresponding pages Urban development and Mobility and urban redevelopment.

You are welcome to get involved in the process of urban development and help shape your city. We look forward to your suggestions and comments.

More information and advice

Do you want to build a new building, add on to an existing one or convert an existing one? Then find out in advance about the provisions of planning law and building regulations. The relevant contact persons in the Building Law and Construction Administration Departmentwill be happy to provide you with more detailed information on the developmentpotential andlegally binding development plans.

Information on the legal basis for urban land use planning (land use plan and development plan) can be found under the following links:

Your contact persons

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