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City info

City associations in Schramberg

Sports, cultural and social associations

City Association for Sport Schramberg e.V.

The city association for sports sees itself as a voluntary, citizen-organized representation of interests of all sports clubs from Schramberg and its districts towards the public and especially towards the city. For example, the city association is involved in questions concerning the promotion of sports clubs or the planning of sports facilities. It carries out annual sports honors for successful athletes and is involved in the allocation of halls and fields. The city association coordinates the use of Schramberg's sports facilities for training and games.

1. Chairman
Mr. Ralf Rückert
Goethestraße 56
78713 Schramberg

2. Chairman
Emil Rode
Hefterwaldstraße 7
78713 Schramberg
07422 53 587
07422 9790820

Homepage City Association for Sport Schramberg e.V.

Logo Stadtverband für Sport

City Association for Culture Schramberg e.V.

The City Association for Culture represents the interests of the cultural associations of Schramberg.


Ms. Tanja Witkowski
Oberndorfer Straße 165
78713 Schramberg
07422 2 56 58

Homepage City Association for Culture Schramberg e.V.

Stadtverband Kultur Logo

Stadtverband Soziales Schramberg e.V.

The Stadtverband Soziales is an association of parishes, associations, organizations and groups that are dedicated to social issues in the city of Schramberg. It stands up for a functioning and lively community and for all people to be able to participate in social life. It pays special attention to the inclusion of socially disadvantaged groups in society. The association promotes the common interests of its members and mutual cooperation. It sees itself as a representative of interests vis-à-vis the city of Schramberg and other regional authorities as well as state and social institutions and organizations.

Mr. Mirko Witkowski
Oberndorfer Straße 165
78713 Schramberg
07422 2 56 58
0171 5 33 20 15

Vice Chairman:
Reiner Lehmann

Financial Officer:
Claudio Fuchs

Elke Ringl-Klank

Media Officer:
Reiner Lehmann

Committee Members:
Claudio di Simio, Elisabeth Spöttle, Johann Weing

The following are affiliated with the Stadtverband Soziales Schramberg e.V. (Social Association of Schramberg)

  • Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO)
  • BAZ
  • Guardianship association
  • German Child Protection Association
  • German Red Cross
  • Elisabethenverein
  • Protestant church community Schramberg-Tal
  • Protestant church community Schramberg-Sulgen
  • Support association Peter-Meyer-School
  • Catholic parish St. Laurentius Sulgen
  • Catholic parish of St. Mary - Holy Spirit
  • Children's fund
  • Neighborhood help - social station
  • Foundation St. Franziskus
  • Ecumenical child and youth support
  • Lebenshilfe - Schramberg local association
  • VdK - local association Schramberg
  • Association for communal youth work and civic engagement
  • Schramberg food bank
  • Jesus-Community Schramberg
  • Schramberg World Shop
Stadtverband Soziales Logo