Child day care is a legally recognized form of childcare that is characterized by proximity to the family and flexible care times. The children are cared for by a qualified day care worker as a constant caregiver.
The hours of care depend on the needs of the family as well as on the possibilities of the day care worker. Just like daycare centers, this form of childcare has the task of promoting, educating and raising children.
Children need attention. Work and family are often difficult to combine.
In the Sulgen district of Schramberg, 2 private facilities offer a pedagogically well thought-out day care program in a family environment - with flexible care times.
The target groups for day care are:
In the valley town of Schramberg, the Tagesmütter- und Elternverein Landkreis Rottweil e.V. is represented in Schramberg.
Help with the compatibility of occupation and family
Qualification, consultation, company of day mothers and the switching of day mothers
Office Schramberg
Am Mühlegraben 11
78713 Schramberg
0 74 22 / 99 25 24
Mrs. Bendigkeit is attainable in emergencies around the clock!
Office hours:
Wednesday 09.00 to 11.00 o'clock
and after agreement