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Consulting + Promotion

Support programmes

Take advantage of the promotional offers for business

No matter what you have in mind: There are numerous funding programs for company start-ups, company expansions or even for the realization of your business start-up! Or would you like an energetic renovation, energy consulting? We have compiled the most important platforms here (without claiming completeness)

Entwicklungsprogramm Ländlicher Raum (ELR) - Spitzen auf dem Land!

A grant from the state of Banden-Württemberg is available for small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas of Baden-Württemberg.

Applications must be submitted via your municipality.

Support programs on the subject of economy

The district of Rottweil has compiled an overview of funding programs for the business sector.

Found and invest

An application for a subsidized loan must be made through your local bank.

Online portal for EU funding

The new online information portal of the state of Baden-Württemberg is structured according to topics and offers a quick orientation according to target group, funding focus and contact person of the individual EU programs.

Climate protection and energy refurbishment

Energy refurbishment and energy consulting for municipalities, companies and institutions is funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Württemberg.