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Tenders of the city of Schramberg

German award portal

Information on Electronic Procurement

On 01.08.2016, the city of Schramberg introduced e-tendering (electronic awarding). With e-tendering, applicants or bidders receive the tender documents electronically and also submit their bid or request to participate electronically. E-procurement is Internet-based and password-based for both the city as the contracting authority and for the bidders/applicants. The entire awarding process is carried out on a PC via a paperless Internet platform. The system is fully protected from the outside and thus - with the exception of access to announcements - not accessible to third parties. The e-tendering platform is regularly adapted to the new public procurement law and saves time and costs. Electronic awarding guarantees transparent, legally sound and secure awarding practices on the part of bidders and contracting authorities.

The city of Schramberg uses the "Deutsche Vergabeportal (DTVP)" of Cosinex GmbH for e-tendering.

Bidders and applicants can download the award documents for all public tenders free of charge via the municipal homepage. Bids can also be submitted electronically via the e-tendering platform at https://www.dtvp.de/. This requires a one-time registration by the bidder/applicant free of charge.

Under the heading "Current tenders in the German Tender Portal DTVP", the current municipal tenders are listed in tabular form; the desired tender documents can be selected via the "Display" action.

Further information can be found in the contractor section at https://www.dtvp.de/. Here you can also obtain information about the provider of the e-tendering platform and its contact details. If you have any problems with registration or other questions about the DTVP platform, you can contact the service and support hotline at https://support.cosinex.de/.

Your contact at the city of Schramberg:

Registration guide for companies