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Family vacation

Vacation for the whole family

The leisure activities on offer in Schramberg for families are as varied as the nature all around and offer room for adventures large and small. Family hikes are complemented by exciting audio guides and very curious kids try to get to the bottom of "Annis Schwarzwaldgeheimnis". You can get a taste of the countryside and get up close to animals on one of the vacation farms or on the adventure farm. And for water rats there is an indoor swimming pool, an outdoor pool and with the Berneck beach even a natural paddling place at the brook.

Not only the city, but also some quality hosts are awarded with the family-holiday seal have fully adapted to the wishes of families. So everyone gets their money's worth and nothing stands in the way of the perfect family vacation.

Happy children, relaxed parents

Family friendly accommodation and catering establishments

1. Register
2. Register

Hiking with children

Leisure time tips for families

Vacation program


Family Holidays BW

Family friendly restaurants

Family-friendly overnight accommodations

Tag: family-holiday-certified

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