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Education + Social


Team Integration

The Integration Team in the Department of Culture and Social Affairs is the contact for immigrants and refugees, institutions, offices, associations, initiatives and interested parties in the areas of migration and integration.

The employees support the integration work in Schramberg, promote the networking of the participating agencies and develop topic-specific projects and offers.

The goals are the equal participation of migrants and refugees in all areas of life. Diversity in the city is to be used and shaped productively.

Integration Officer

The integration officer is available as a central contact for all migration and
integration issues.

The main areas of work are:

  • Coordination of volunteer translators
  • Information and public relations work on integration issues
  • Planning and implementation of events for intercultural exchange
  • Bundling and further development of municipal offers

Social counseling for refugees

Social Counseling

Refugees from Schramberg, Aichhalden/Rötenberg, Lauterbach and Hardt can come to the social counseling center.

The Integration Team helps with questions about daily life, assists with bureaucratic tasks, helps with registration for educational institutions (kindergarten, school, language courses), advises in situations of violence and crisis, and refers to associations and community services.

Prerequisites for counseling:

  • 2 years of residence in Germany or
  • completed asylum procedure

Contact Team Integration

Social counseling for refugees:

Integration officers and language mediators:

Social support Rottweil district

For people in Schramberg who live in a shared accommodation, the social counseling of the district of Rottweil is responsible.

Heike- Elisabeth Schuller
Phone:0741 244-8142

Alican Kilinc
Phone:0741 244-8127

Migration counseling by Caritas and AWO

Counseling for people without asylum procedures (e.g. from other EU countries) is offered by the migration counseling centers of Caritas and AWO.

Migration counseling for adult immigrants (MBE)
Hauptstr. 26/28
78628 Rottweil
Phone:0741 9423853

Migration counseling for adult immigrants
Am Brestenberg 2
78713 Schramberg
Phone:0741 246143


The volunteer language mediator service

The volunteer translators of the city can be requested by people and institutions in
Schramberg. They translate, for example, at parent-teacher conferences at school, at doctor's appointments and visits to the authorities. The service is free of charge and covers 20 different languages.

Inquiries are accepted by the integration officer of the city of Schramberg.


Encounter Café

The "Begegnungscafé" invites all citizens to get together and exchange ideas.
The current dates are posted in the calendar of events. There is the possibility to speak German and to make new contacts.

Anti-discrimination work and intercultural openness

Project ideas and participatory actions for diversity and against racism can be submitted to the city's integration officer at

Are you interested in volunteering in refugee work? You can find more information on the volunteer page.

Learn languages

The adult education center in Schramberg offers integration courses and language courses for beginners and advanced learners.

Information about the courses and registration can be found on the VHS website.

Language café

The Language Café is an offer of the Women's Advisory Council of the City of Schramberg, which is run by volunteers. It is by women for women and invites you every Wednesday to speak German together.

The offer is free of charge and can be attended without prior registration.

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