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Education + Social


Civic engagement

Volunteering - voluntary - civic engagement, as we may also call it, has developed in Schramberg in numerous fields of activity. Culture, churches, social issues, sports, youth, nature - citizens in our city are involved in all of these topics
Most volunteers enjoy what they do, contribute their talents and develop themselves further.

Where people get involved and participate in a variety of ways, there is no standstill. Challenges posed by social upheaval can be better mastered together with citizens.

Civic engagement is anchored in the JUKS³ concept. Children, young people and adults can find a contact point there for all questions about volunteering.

Schramberg Volunteer Exchange

  • Would you like to work as a reading mentor in a kindergarten?
  • You like to guide through exhibitions? Exhibit care in the museum would be your thing?
  • Would you like to help hearing-impaired people prepare for their driver's license?

If you have skills or talents and want to put them to good use, then come to the FreiwilligenBörse.
The FreiwilligenBörse is a hub for everyone who wants to get involved in Schramberg and for institutions that would like to enrich their work through civic support. The commitment can be project-related, regular or one-time.

Contact: frwllgnbrsschrmbrgd

Principles of the FreiwilligenBörse

  • The volunteer determines the time frame (one-time, regular, project-related) and the area of the commitment (which institution; area of culture, social affairs, ecology...).
  • The engagement is free of charge
  • Volunteers are only placed with institutions, not with private individuals.

Ongoing projects

Language café

The language café is an offer from women for women. Invited are all those who have a basic knowledge of German and would like to deepen this knowledge during or after the integration courses. By talking together, reading or doing grammar exercises, the women expand their skills in a practical area of life.

The language café is a free offer of the Women's Advisory Council of the city of Schramberg, supported by JUKS³ and run by volunteers. Just drop by!

From Reparaturcafé

At this event, volunteers are available for many types of repair problems on electrical, electronic and mechanical devices and toys, problems with clocks, sewing, repair of dolls and stuffed animals.

The team of helpers asks that you bring your own manuals and remote controls, if possible, to facilitate joint troubleshooting. Finally, if you need help knitting socks, please bring your own wool and needles.

Helpers with the JUKS³ projects

If you are between 13 and 18 years old and would like to volunteer in children's and youth work, please contact us.

Youth Participation

If you are between 14 and 19 years old and would like to help shape our city of Schramberg according to your imaginationthen please contact us.

Volunteer language mediators

The volunteer translators of the city can be requested by people and institutions in
Schramberg. They translate, for example, at parent-teacher conferences at school, at doctor's appointments and visits to the authorities.

Are you interested in volunteering as a translator? Then please contact our integration officer.

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