What happens after graduation? Vocational training, university studies or a voluntary social year? Making the right career choice is not easy for many young people just starting out. In the Schramberg region, there are numerous options for what to do after school.
The JAMS training fair in Schramberg-Sulgen is the perfect platform when looking for an apprenticeship, internship or dual study position.
Around 50 exhibitors from the trades, services and industry provide information across the entire area in the gymnasium and festival hall, in the adjacent break hall and in the mobile exhibition hall in the schoolyard of the Grund- und Werkrealschule (GWRS) in the Sulgen district.
The target groups are students of all school types, teachers, parents and parents' councils.
The training fair JAMS is organized by the Handels- und Gewerbeverein Schramberg e. V. with the support of the city of Schramberg.
In 2020, the training fair was planned for the 15th time. However, due to the then applicable regulations on infection control in Baden-Württemberg, it was not possible to hold the fair.
Particularly in difficult economic times such as the Corona crisis, companies need to keep an eye on recruiting young talent more than ever. Likewise, it is difficult for young people to orient themselves professionally at this time.
This is why the first trainee speed dating event was held in Schramberg in 2021. This is an excellent platform, with an appropriate hygiene concept, to conduct a safe presence event, where training companies and young people have the opportunity of direct contact, which has become even more important in the pandemic.
The concept is very simple: The young people have the opportunity to introduce themselves personally to more than 20 companies and organizations - and to convince them of their worth in ten minutes each.
In the process, the trainers get to talk to potential future apprentices, students or FSJ students and get a first personal impression, regardless of report card grades.
The motto of the event is:
"Show us who you are.
The organization is carried out in cooperation with the Rottenburg agency Dialogmanufaktur, which already has many years of experience in the conception and implementation of trainee speed dating. An information event with coaches from Dialogmanufaktur will be held for the future graduating classes of the Schramberg schools. There the pupils are prepared purposefully for the discussions.
Which enterprises take part in the speed Dating in Schramberg and which offers there are, approx. six weeks before the date here on the homepage www.azubi-speed.de one announces. Likewise the pupils*innen can announce themselves over this side and select enterprises, with which they would like to come into the discussion. Further appointments can also be made during the event.
Competent advisors from the Employment Agency, the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and the Constance Chamber of Crafts are also available as additional contacts.