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Business Location Schramberg

The business location Schramberg offers an ideal environment for its companies and employees

The large district town of Schramberg, with a population of around 21,000, radiates far into the region as a medium-sized center for a catchment area of over 44,000 inhabitants . Here you will find an ultra-modern municipal infrastructure with an excellently networked administration and efficient municipal utilities. In addition, there are specialized medical practitioners and a flourishing small and medium-sized craft industry. As a shopping city, the city is characterized by a large number of owner-operated retail stores. These can be found in almost all of Schramberg's districts as well as in the exemplary pedestrian zone in Talstadt. No wonder, then, that modern service providers from a wide variety of industries are attracted by the city's efficiency and urban flair. Schramberg. Here, both the recipe and the mix are right.

Work in Schramberg

  • a broad spectrum is offered by the more than 12,000 workplaces
  • owner-managed as well as globally active companies in industry, trade, crafts and the service sector
  • we have had one of the lowest unemployment rates in Baden-Württemberg for decades

Living in Schramberg

  • affordable apartments, houses and land
  • living in the center or in the green
  • new housing developments for singles, couples, families and seniors in the city districts
  • numerous residential complexes for seniors close to the center or in one of the rural parts of the city

Life in Schramberg

  • the right care for every child from the age of one: crèche, kindergarten, childminder
  • the right school offer for every student
  • for every senior citizen a livable living in old age
  • very good medical care with specialized medical specialists
  • numerous shopping facilities
  • high recreational value: culture, sports, clubs, nature

Shopping in Schramberg

  • a pedestrian zone with flair for extensive strolling in the valley town
  • a large number of owner-operated retail stores in almost all parts of the city
  • nice restaurants, cafés and delicious ice cream parlors
  • a healthy mix of branches for young and old

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