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Citizen bus

Bürgerbus Schramberg e. V.

This association was founded to create the possibility to keep citizens mobile with a minibus next to the routes of the public transport.

The SEFO as the initiator of the BürgerBus idea had invited to the founding meeting of its own supporting association on 25.11.2014. The administration and the municipal council were basically taken with the idea and ready to purchase the bus. However, the task of running the bus and organizing it should be taken over by the citizens' bus association.

The BBS does not see itself as a competitor of public transport, but as a supplement. With the BBS routes are served, which the public local traffic cannot cover. The bus is equipped with low-floor technology, making it easy to use with strollers, walkers or wheelchairs.

The special feature is "citizens driving citizens". The team of volunteer drivers is prepared for this service through driving training courses, conducted by the Burri driving schools. In addition, aptitude tests are conducted, which also include a health check. This is the only way to obtain the required passenger transport license. The costs are covered by the association.

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