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Crown Info Schramberg

We inform here about current developments regarding the Corona virus in Schramberg and in the region.

For general questions and to keep the abundance of information in a manageable framework, we ask that you refer to the page of the state government of Baden-Württemberg mentioned below with the corresponding forwarding links.

This page will be updated continuously. As soon as something is coming up for Schramberg, we will announce it immediately here on our homepage and our Facebook page.

Info corona regulation Baden-Wuerttemberg current

By decision of April 26, 2022, the provincial government amended the Ordinance on Infection Control Measures against the Spread of Corona Virus (Corona Ordinance). The amendments will come into force on May 2, 2022.

Here is the link to the page of the state government with the new regulation effective from 02.05.2022.

Vaccination base scene 64  (closed)

Closed since 01.04.2022

Scene 64, Junghans-Gewerbepark, Geißhaldenstraße 49, 78713 Schramberg. In Schramberg turn right directly after the tunnel (is signposted), after 250 meters pass the barrier. After another 150 meters you will find scene 64 (brick building) on the left side. There are sufficient parking spaces available.

Rapid test centers Schramberg

AKA Fitness Schramberg GmbH

Gewerbepark H.A.U. 22
78713 Schramberg
Die Testzeiten sind :
Montag bis Freitag 09.00 - 20.00
Samstag 14.00 - 18.00
Sonntag 10.00 bis 14.00


Teststation Schramberg-Sulgen Autohaus Popp

Gesundheitszentrum ProSana

Testzentrum Tennenbronn
Schiltachstraße 2 in 78144 Tennenbronn
Öffnungszeiten Testzentrum Tennenbronn
Montag - Sonntag von 10 Uhr bis 12 Uhr.
Bitte vereinbaren Sie vorher einen Testtermin über unsere Seite

News and information city of Schramberg

No current info at the moment

News and Information District Office Rottweil

No current info at the moment