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Park der Zeiten

Hauptstraße 25, 78713 Schramberg


The villa park of the factory owner Erhard Junghans, whose father founded the Junghans clock factory in 1861, was transformed into a "park of the ages". The aim was to bring out the most important historical design elements in the park, which is laid out in the style of an English landscape park. In the process, modern, attractive experience elements on the theme of time were integrated, experience-oriented offers for families with children as well as space for recreation and also a wide variety of open-air events were created.

The theme of time runs through the entire park area. Works of art, natural spectacles and inventions are fun or thought-provoking. Several renowned artists from Germany have designed and produced functional works of art - a combination of art and park bench. This is how the stone bench 4-Himmelsrichtungen by the artist Georg Hüter, the sun bench that can be turned in the direction of the sun, or the bench "Denkmal" made of stainless steel by Erich Hauser's successor workshop came into being. In the Rose Garden, the world's most precise sundial always shows visitors the correct time.

Children and young people have fun on play areas and water elements such as the water barefoot path.

In any case, you should take enough time for a visit.

Weitere Information

Park der Zeiten

Hauptstraße 25, 78713 Schramberg

Tel.: +49 7422 29215
Fax: +49 7422 29209

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