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Building + Living

Free building plots

Living with a high quality of life and a high recreational value!

In the valley city or in one of the beautifully situated districts of Schramberg, almost every living requirement can be met. With different sized building plots and plot prices, you are sure to find the right building plot here for living with a high quality of life where others like to vacation.

An affordable building plot, a job, sufficient childcare and schools, good medical care, many shopping facilities, numerous clubs and great leisure activities and living as close to nature as possible - all this is available in the large district town of Schramberg.

1. Register
2. Register

Free gaps between buildings

Was there no offer for you in one of our residential building areas?

For the creation of new living space, so-called gaps between buildings also offer a good opportunity to realize your desire for a home of your own. There are urban gaps between buildings in the valley town and in the districts of Schramberg.

For the closure of vacant lots in rural areas, there is a funding program of the L-Bank Baden-Württembergthrough the Rural Development Program (ELR).

If you have any questions about the vacant lots, please contact our responsible employee.

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