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Public announcements

Public information for Schramberger*innen

What statutes have been passed recently? Until when can I register my child for a daycare place? When and how will the next elections take place? You can read about these and many other topics here.

The public announcements of the Great District City of Schramberg are published here, on the website of the City of Schramberg, as far as no special legal provisions exist.
In the case of special legal provisions, this applies in particular to the announcement of urban land use plans, the local edition of the Schwarzwälder Bote is the legally effective announcement organ. In addition, these can also be found here on the Internet.

Furthermore, the public announcements can be viewed free of charge during opening hours at the Town Hall, Citizens' Service and Tourist Information, Hauptstraße 25, and can be obtained there as a printout against reimbursement of costs. The printouts of the public announcements can be sent to the address and against reimbursement of costs.

More information

Public announcements 2022

Public announcements 2022

Public announcements 2021

Public announcements 2020

Public announcements 2019