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Building + Living

Broadband expansion

An important location factor is a good Internet connection - broadband expansion is therefore a must!

The large district town of Schramberg is constantly investing in broadband expansion. We want our companies, schools and private households to be optimally supplied.

How is my internet connection? What is being done in Schramberg?

Broadband expansion is important to us! That's why the large district town of Schramberg is participating in the joint project of all towns and communities in the Rottweil district under the leadership of the Rottweil District Office.

Over the next few years, we will be implementing the following for you:

  • Fiber-optic connection to the building for all businesses in an industrial area.
    Planning period: 2025 - 2026.
  • Construction of new fiber-optic routes for the existing "white spots".
    Planning period: until 2026.
  • Laying of empty conduits for future fiber optic installation.
    Planning period: ongoing construction measures.
  • Future fiber-optic networks:
    Current negotiations on cooperation between utility/operator and city/installer.

Further information

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