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Medialibrary / library

Media library Schramberg

Berneckstraße 9, 78713 Schramberg


Is the weather acting up again and throwing a spanner in the works of your day? Then simply immerse yourself in the world of media. Browse, listen to music or watch films together - the Schramberg media library offers variety for the whole family. Board games to borrow, Tonies for the little ones or the really big game fun at our Kuti console in the reading café for 2-6 players. Just drop in and have fun.

Novels in which you can dive into foreign worlds - music and films that inspire.

Music and films to inspire you - information to help you make your next presentation a success - with more than 30,000 media, the media library has just the right thing for everyone.

Whether you visit us on site in the City Centre or the Sulgen branch or want to use our digital media regardless of time and place, the Schramberg media library quenches the whole family's thirst for adventure.

Weitere Information

Media library Schramberg

Berneckstraße 9, 78713 Schramberg

Tel.: +49 7422 29260
Fax: +49 7422 29209

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14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr


10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr


14:00 bis 19:00 Uhr


14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr


09:00 bis 13:00 Uhr