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History museum

Town Museum Schramberg

Bahnhofstraße 1, 78713 Schramberg


From the ancient knights to industrialisation and modern times. And all this in a setting that could not be more fitting. The classicist castle of the Counts of Bissingen and Nippenburg from the 19th century represents a part of Schramberg's history.

History can be experienced in the four departments of the town museum: castles, earthenware, straw weaving, clocks. Regularly changing special exhibitions on themes of town and regional history or fine art in its many facets make the town museum a lively cultural institution.

Guided tours of the museum are available on request. Please contact us by phone or e-mail.

Weitere Information

Town Museum Schramberg

Bahnhofstraße 1, 78713 Schramberg

Tel.: +49 7422 29268
Fax: +49 7422 29262

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