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Hiking trail

To the Windkapf - High up in Tennenbronn

Black Forest idyll and rustic refreshment stop

Info about the hiking trail

Strecke15,2 km
Tiefster Punkt661 m
Aufstieg344 hm
Level of difficultymedium
Duration04:20 h
Höchster Punkt922 m
Abstieg344 hm
Round tripyes

Starting point

Village square



The Windkapf is a popular destination for excursions. The route starts from the village square in Schramberg-Tennenbronn, leisurely along a stream, before climbing to the Windkapf. After a short rest or a stop at the rustic inn, you continue on the extensive plateau. Here you have a view of the typical Black Forest landscape. Nature, meadows, forests, vast plateaus and again and again proud Black Forest farms alternate on this tour.