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Thematic trail

Schramboli's audio guide tours

A perfect mix of fun & games and new discoveries

Info about the hiking trail

Round tripyes

Starting point

Schramberg City Hall


You can either download the tours directly to your cell phone or MP3 player, or you can borrow an MP3 player from the Tourist Information Office in the Town Hall or the Town Museum (rental fee is 6,-€, free with guest card).


german, english, nederlands, français



The "Pfad der Zeiten" for children aged 5 and over is just under two kilometers long and leads, for example, through the "Park der Zeiten", where there are many opportunities to play. The "U(h)rzeitenweg" for children aged 12 and over is just under four kilometers long and takes them along the geological nature trail up to the Hohenschramberg castle ruins.
