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Hiking trail

Schramberg Megatrail

The Megatrail leads around Schramberg in 24 hours.

Info about the hiking trail

Strecke87,8 km
Tiefster Punkt428 m
Aufstieg2000 hm
Level of difficultyheavy
Duration24:00 h
Höchster Punkt933 m
Abstieg1680 hm
Round tripyes


Those who walk the route in one piece need sufficient food, a headlamp and warm clothing, especially for the night.



Pushing your own limits for once - and beyond. The participants of the first Schramberg Megatrail did just that and circumnavigated Schramberg in less than 24 hours. Now the trail is open to everyone and can be hiked at your own pace. It is also ideal for a two- or three-day hike, as there are plenty of places to stay along the route.