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Hiking trail

Paradise Mountain and Glasbach Valley

Nature and technic experience

Info about the hiking trail

Strecke7,5 km
Tiefster Punkt455 m
Aufstieg293 hm
Level of difficultymedium
Duration02:24 h
Höchster Punkt713 m
Abstieg297 hm
Round tripyes


Allow enough time to visit the Schramberg Car & Watch World



Four worlds of experience lie close together in Schramberg in the H.A.U. industrial park. Today you can walk in the footsteps of the history of technology and the economic miracle on more than 7,000 square metres of exhibition space in the Auto & Uhrenwelt Schramberg. Nature can be experienced just a few metres above on the Paradiesberg. Here you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Sulgen district and walk back up the hill between scattered farmhouses and through the Glasbach valley. Experience nature and technology in a very small space - it's possible!