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Geocaching route

Fairy tale geocaching tour

This tour will take you to the mysterious world of fairy tales and legends of Snow White, the Frog King and other fairy tale characters.

Info about the hiking trail

Level of difficultyheavy
Round tripyes


A fairytale geocaching puzzle tour in Schramberg-Tennenbronn in the Black Forest is all about "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Frog King" or "Hansel and Gretel". At six stations, the family cache "Fairy Tales" asks questions about well-known fairy tales, from station to station this makes for an entertaining family outing in Tennenbronn in the Middle Black Forest. For those who no longer have the fairy tales exactly at hand: In the geocaching documents they are briefly recounted.Exciting geocaching routes for the whole family make your vacation in the Black Forest a great experience with many explorations into the local nature!Start: Town Hall Schramberg-TennenbronnType: puzzle cache. 

Difficulty level: children (5 to 10 years)Duration: approx. 1- 1.5 hours

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