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Hiking trail

Between Baden and Württemberg

On idyllic paths in the former border region between Baden and Württemberg.

Info about the hiking trail

Strecke19,2 km
Tiefster Punkt642 m
Aufstieg136 hm
Duration05:00 h
Höchster Punkt881 m
Abstieg157 hm
Round tripyes

Starting point

Hikers' car park Schloßhof



From the Schlossberg, the path leads away from stress and noise with magnificent far-reaching views to the memorial house on the Fohrenbühl. From the viewing platform, you can look across the Black Forest to the Rhine plain and the Vosges Mountains. After returning to the Schlossberg, you should definitely make a detour to the ruins of Hohenschramberg Castle and enjoy fantastic views over the city.