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Twin cities


Our twin town in Switzerland

Few partnerships have such curious origins as the one between the cities of Schramberg and Lachen in Switzerland. In 1963, the mayor of Schramberg at the time, Dr. Konstantin Hank, discovered the sign "Lachen" on the way to Chur in Switzerland. He remembered that in his documents on genealogical research this place name appeared. Without further ado, Hank visited the pretty little town on Lake Zurich, met the chancellor of the municipal administration, Anton Marty-Feldmann, and developed the idea of a friendship between the two towns with the Swiss municipal employee.

No sooner said than done. In 1965, the first meeting of the associations took place, and since then they have been the main driving forces of the friendship across the borders. Above all, the shooting clubs of both towns have been meeting regularly since 1966 for sporting and comradely undertakings.

Lachen is located at the upper end of Lake Zurich in the canton of Schwyz and claims to have the longest public lake promenade and beautiful sunsets.