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Twin cities


Our twin town in France

When on July 5, 1958, the mayor of the small town of Hirson in the northeast of France, Raymond Fischer and mayor Dr. Konstantin Hank from Schramberg sealed the town twinning, there were only a few municipalities who were already thinking at that time of filling the trenches torn by the wars in this way. They were among the first cities whose leaders had initiated such a partnership.

During the tenure of the two mayors, the friendship always remained cordial, with occasional visits and return visits consolidating it at "delegation" level.

Hirson is a small town with 10,000 inhabitants in the northeast of France. Hirson, which is located in the Départment Aisne, the region "Picardie", is characterized by its border situation to Belgium.

With reliable regularity, athletes of the cycling club "Wanderlust" Waldmössingen and the cycling club from Hirson have been organizing a touring week once a year since 1994 under the motto "Cycling for Europe" or L'Europe à Velo''.