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Twin cities


Our twin town in Saxony

As early as 1986, there were discussions in Schramberg about a possible partnership with a town "from over there". One year later, the name Glashütte in Saxony was mentioned in Schramberg for the first time. The reason for this interest was the shared past of Glashütte and Schramberg: watches were and still are manufactured in both cities. But things only became concrete when the GDR had achieved reunification: In March 1990, a Schramberg group consisting of members of the town council and the administration traveled to Glashütte, and on April 8, 1990, a 40-person delegation from Glashütte arrived in Schramberg. In the town hall an exhibition of the city administration informed about the possible partner in East Germany. The inner-German town friendship developed well and the contacts expanded. Especially on the administrative level, the city of Schramberg did a lot of development work in the East of Germany.

On August 12 and 13, 2002, severe storms caused flooding and serious devastation in Glashütte and its districts, especially Schlottwitz. The population of the city of Schramberg and also the surrounding communities showed solidarity with the people of Glashütte in this situation. Through various fundraising campaigns, a total of approximately 200,000 euros in donations for Glashütte were collected.

For many years, the town twinning association has had a stand at the Christmas market in Glashütte, where it advertises Schramberg with Swabian Maultaschen. It is also thanks to this association that, for some years now, genuine Saxon stollen pastries have regularly been on sale at the Schramberg Christmas market.

Glashütte with its twelve districts has about 6,700 inhabitants and is located about 28 kilometers south of Dresden. Well-known watch manufacturers have made the town famous worldwide.