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Culture + Sport

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Associations directory

The city of Schramberg is characterized by a particularly lively and diverse club life. More than 180 clubs offer the opportunity to spend your free time in a meaningful and active way or to get involved on a voluntary basis.

Interesting facts from the "Culture + Sport" section

City Archive

The Schramberg City Archive preserves the records of the history of the Schramberg dominion.

The town archive is open to the public: all interested parties are welcome.

Promotion in the sports sector

The city of Schramberg promotes sports by providing sports facilities such as municipal halls and fields free of charge.

In addition, sports clubs receive subsidies in accordance with the club funding guidelines.

Market system

The weekly market always takes place on Saturdays from 07.00 to 13.00 on the rear town hall square.
If Saturday is a holiday, the market takes place on the previous working day.

Please refer to the calendar of events for the dates of the farmers' markets.